Category Archives: Just for fun

New Jersey Photographer

Okay.  Usually I’m not all about promoting myself.  I like to try to let my work speak for itself and not force it on other people. However, I’m about to graduate from Monmouth University in less than three months with a degree that’s concentrated in Photography and I feel it’s about time to expand my audience.  If I don’t proudly promote myself I can not expect others to do so.  I take so much pride in what I do…it is my life’s passion.  For me, taking a photo goes so much deeper than just taking the photo.  The feeling I get from making images is one I equate with being in love, because that’s how it truly feels.

I am keeping this post short and sweet in the hopes that whoever comes across it can get a sense for the love I have for my art and will move along to the link I am providing and be able to then see that love. Enjoy!

As always, I am RJ and here is a link to my photography page: RJLennon Photography

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Filed under Just a thought, Just because, Just for fun, photography, Uncategorized

Here we go.

I keep trashing every blog I begin tonight.  I don’t know what it is.  Nothing sounds right, nothing is flowing properly, and I’ve backspaced the end of this sentence a solid five times already trying to come up with a third sentence closer.  Why do I need a third anyway?  I feel like I learned that in grammar school…if you’re writing an essay always have three ideas to touch on such as, “this, this and the other thing.”  Whatever, this isn’t an essay.  I’m writing a blog for the sake of writing a blog right now…and I know you guys have heard my “forced writing is bad writing” line before, so I’ll save it.

Lately, I’ve been turning to my dreams as my artistic inspiration.  The things I’ve written, the things I’ve shot, and the things I plan to shoot were and are all memories of thoughts that sped through my unconscious mind as I slept.  Dreams that I can’t get out of my head.  They’re imprinted there, stuck, as if they’re supposed to be there.

Remember our dancer friend from Language?  If not, go check it out…I’ll wait here…Okay, great.  Now that we’re all caught up, she began as a daydream and has followed me day in and day out, while I’m awake, while I sleep, my mind’s creative representation of what I long for.  These dreams, sometimes so real  I wake to a bitter disappointment that everything happened in my head.

Maybe someday I’ll be able to make it all real.

As always, I’m RJ and hey, a girl can dream right…?

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Filed under creative writing, Just a thought, Just because, Just for fun, photography, Uncategorized


Has anyone noticed that language has become so incredibly underrated?  It makes me sad to say the least.  We have access to such beautiful words and phrases, yet we take them for granted, ignore them, and overuse phrases such as “YOLO”.  Stop.  Of course, I can’t blame Drake for my generation’s complete and utter disregard for language as it began to fall away long before he decided to remind us that we do, in fact, only live once.

I miss long-winded ways to say simple things.  For example, when Shakespeare described Romeo and Juliet as “star-crossed lovers” he meant they were unlucky, but “unlucky” is so plain.  “Star-crossed”…I want to breathe that in, it’s sigh-enducing, his words are tear-worthy.  But in today’s society we’re all about the now, the fast paced, the send-a-message-and-go mentality.  In a world where “LOL” and “BRB” are taking over, how can I, or anyone for that matter, ensure that the underlying nature of our words are still beautiful?

Now, I’m not saying I don’t “lol” as often as the next guy, because I certainly do…but for each acronym placed ironically or otherwise I try my best to counteract with carefully crafted phrases because language means so much to me.  It annoys some people which I think is a sign of the times, but finding people who appreciate someone who takes the time out to think before they speak (text, email, you get the idea) is a special thing.

I’ve been a slave to the written and spoken word my entire life.  I’ve absorbed words and phrases like a sponge for a long as I can remember.  I love to talk, even more-so, I love to listen.  I love to pick up new phrases, meaningful phrases.  For me, the way you speak is just as important as the way you move.  A conversation is a dance, I move, you move, we repeat…sometimes we speak at the same time, sometimes one can’t speak until the other does, one may lead while the other picks up the cues, and vice versa.  I have this picture in my mind that I carry around with me almost every time I write and I’d like for you to see it too.

Breathe in deeply, feel the air filling your lungs.  As you exhale I want you to picture a light fog, and a naturally illuminated room with floor to ceiling windows as far as your eye can see.  The floors and walls alike are deep mahogany wood, and in the center of that wooden room: a ballet dancer holding an arabesque, seemingly frozen in time.  Her hair is pulled up off of her face, her limbs are stretched and stiff, yet she looks so delicate, soft, breakable.  She wears the palest pink leotard and of course the telltale sign of a ballerina, a tutu.  She is unaware of your presence, you are but a fly on the wall, and as she begins to move, your heart begins to break, unassured that you will ever see someone move with such grace, poise and beauty ever again.  She glides through the air as though she were meant to own her very own set of wings, and her movements leave you speechless.  She is lost in thought, this routine is nothing new to her, she moves with ease.  As she completes her routine, you see a faint smile cross her lips.  Though no one is watching she is proud of the show she has just put on, because she felt it in her very soul.  As you inhale, the light fog lifts, the dancer is gone and the shades draw themselves submersing the room in complete darkness.  And just as easily as the scene was painted by a breath, it is closed, only to be revisited if you so wish.

I hope you carry the vision of our graceful dancer friend with you, as I do.  Use her as a reminder to paint a unique masterpiece with your words every time you speak.  Use her as a reminder that every phrase is a new movement, a brush stroke, a photo taken.  At the root of each art form is patience, you wouldn’t rush a painting, why rush your language?

As always, my name is Rebecca and I want to paint as many pictures with my words as humanly possible.


Filed under creative writing, Just a thought, Just because, Just for fun, music

Book Coloring.

As of late, I’ve been seeing a really cool trend erupt.  One I have no name for and can only describe as “book coloring” or “blackout book coloring” both of which yield no helpful search results as far as Google is concerned…great.  As shown in the photo I have attached below, you take any book of your choosing and make your own phrases out of the already published work.

How interesting?  To be so moved by someone else’s work that you would like to use their words to create something of your own.  Conversely, how interesting to be so unmoved by a previously published work that you’d want to deface the book and make it something of your own.  Either way I find this trend completely fascinating as the possibilities are endless.  You can say however much or little as you’d like and the outcome is only dictated by the content already on the page as well as your own imagination.

Thoughts?  Would you deface a book for artistic purposes?  I for one would love to try this out.  Think about it…how many of us have books our professors make us buy that we probably will never look at again after college?  All of us.  And how many times is the return to the bookstore or the post on Amazon not even worth the effort?  Frequently.  See what you can dig up and get back to me, I’d love to see more of this happening.

I found this on and while I do not know the origins of the photo or by who’s hand the book was colored, I absolutely love this.

As always, I am RJ and if you’re anything like me you’ve strayed from this blog for a while.  If this is your first time here, welcome, and if you’re a repeat offender, welcome back, it’s nice to see you again.

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Filed under creative writing, Just a thought, Just because, Just for fun, poem

Anxious. (September 11, 2012)

“Come on, I’m anxious,” you said,

and we walked.

If only you knew how anxious you make me.

How long I lie awake at night,

memories rolling like waves through my consciousness

until the sound finally puts me to sleep.

Sleep. Ha.

Just when I think I’ll find relief…

a place where my mind can escape, rest,

but you continue to haunt me, unknowingly.

So there you are.

When I wake – a dream standing before me,

When I sleep – a nightmare destined to break my heart.

I need to learn to shy from your touch.

Your intention is not to hurt me, I know it.

Your touch doesn’t sting on contact,

but it lingers,

Sinks beneath the surface and travels through me,

Eventually finding its way to the depths of my heart,

It constricts the beating,

Which constricts my breathing,

So I am being quite literal when I say,

You kill me.

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Filed under creative writing, Just a thought, Just because, Just for fun, poem, spoken word

Honesty. (May 15, 2012)

I want to reach out to you, if that’s okay?

I want to dance back and forth

with our words flowing freely.

Lines upon lines

and laughing,

yours so sweet, delicate,

mine nervous.

You make me nervous.

But I can’t keep starting these dances if you will not return the movements with ease.

I can tell you are straining,

I can tell for you it seems forced.

So tell me.

I want to hold you.

Why can’t I hold you?

I should never have told you

How I feel.

Now I’m embarrassed,

passionate about nothing,

sad for no reason,

we are nothing,

we are friends.

But I want to hold you.

I want to make you mine.

But I will never have you.

I will never hold you.

You cannot hold someone in your grasp when their spirit is so free.

You’re disconnected.

In touch with the world as it is.

The extras don’t matter to you,

but they’re the only things that keep me connected to you when I’m away.

If you could pick up my notebook

and read the words I’ve written about you

you’ll either fall in love with me or have me committed.

Well, I am crazy.

Crazy about you,

about what we could be,

so commit me,

or better yet, commit to me.

Hand me your heart, I promise I’ll hold it.

And I’ll keep it.

Safe from anyone with an acid touch.  You know the kind.

Touches that create holes,

leave cracks,

grasping so tightly all I can do is lose it.

My cool.  I’ve lost my cool.

Don’t let me lose you too.

You don’t even know yet what I could do for you.

What I would do for you.

I told you honestly

that honesty is my favorite of policies

and honestly my honesty

is making me tell you things

and ask you things, my heart is seeking your answers.

I don’t get you.

Maybe you’re not right for me

because they say if you’re chasing and getting nowhere

eventually you have to know when to walk away with your dignity.

And if I walk away and you don’t come after me,

my heart gets its most important answer.  Honestly.

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Filed under creative writing, Just a thought, Just for fun, poem, spoken word

It’s gonna take a lot to drag me away from you…

If you’re in my close circle of friends, you know that the reason I have unintentionally abandoned my once all-important blog: RJ Talks About Things is because I have been devoting all of my free time to my new love: RJ Photographs Things, which I will now shamelessly promote for myself:

Any way, that is just a little insight as to why RJ Talks has been on hiatus, but the main reason for this post is music related.  Recently, I was introduced by some new friends to an epic song from Toto’s 1982 album: Toto IV called “Africa.”  I can’t tell you what it is about this song, but I’m hooked.  I’ve provided a link for anyone who may not have heard the song or anyone who has heard it and just wants a mere 4 minute, 33 second insight into one of music’s sickest decades.

As always, I am RJ and I am going to shamelessly re-promote my cousin’s blog:

Enjoy, makeup lovers.


Filed under Just a thought, Just because, Just for fun, music, Uncategorized

It was only a matter of time…

Someone once told me that the proof a good record is if you can listen to it on repeat for an extended period of time and it will not get old.  I neglected to ask if this person’s definition of “good” is supposed to be a personal and different-for-everyone kind of thing or not, because my philosophy is “what is good for one, is good for the next” but when it comes to music, I don’t think my philosophy applies.  But aside from my personal beliefs and other people’s opinions, I have found an artist who’s music has been set to repeat for the past month and a half and I am still going.  I have listened to nothing but Lady GaGa for the past month and a half where only an hour or so here and there is allotted for any other music (DISCLAIMER: this is only when I’m with other people and I can tell they are getting annoyed with my obsession).  And yes, this is an obsession.

I’ve tried incorporating other music back into my “frequently listened to” playlists, but my iTunes’ “Top 25 Most Listened to” and “Recently Played” song lists say it all.  Both are filled to the brim with GaGa and Stefani Germanotta Band (GaGa’s real name) jams and I don’t see a problem with it.  I have been criticized by others who say “Stop loving GaGa so much” and “Okay, your obsession with Lady GaGa is getting annoying now”.  My question is why?  What does it matter to you or anyone else what music I listen to?  And even more, why is it wrong to be passionate about one artist in particular?  Everyone has something they truly enjoy, so why am I being singled out for my one thing?  There are much worse things I could care about, don’t you think?

It’s funny, people criticize GaGa for being “different”.  They only see the controversial outfits and live performances, and they can’t get past that.  They don’t go deeper and watch her interviews, and even if they do, it’s as if all they can see are the hair bows.  She is so much more than a hair bow and if any negative critics took the time to see that they would see a beautiful, talented woman who has struggled her way to the top, paid her dues, and is finally making her dreams come true.

The last thing I will say in THIS blog about Lady GaGa, or should I say Legend GaGa is that no matter how much criticism I have to endure, I will always be RJ and I will always be a LittleMONS✝ER.

Lady GaGa on the Red Carpet at the Grammys 2010

Lady GaGa on the Red Carpet at the Grammys 2010


Filed under Just a thought, Just because, Just for fun, music

I prefer the Lemon Iced Tea flavor…

I’m sitting alone in my single room, in my sophomore year of college.  My walls are white, save the few posters I have created myself and hung in strategic places to cover up some of the depressing blankness.  The black curtain that hangs in front of my closet is open, revealing various items such as sneakers tossed aside with disregard, different articles of clothing hung with care, some hair products and a Paul Revere-esque lamp, in case the power goes out (which if you go to Monmouth, you know happens at LEAST once a year).  I hear the sounds of heels clacking past my door and down the hallway, muffled voices of residents returning from or making a pitstop during their night out, and the soft whir of my refrigerator keeping my water and Ssips Iced Tea boxes chilled.

I remember moving into this room.  I turned the key to unlock the door, and looked around.  I lived in this building as a Freshman, so I knew the Resident Assistant rooms were small, and I didn’t have a problem with it, nor was I surprised when I saw mine for the first time.  The day was Friday, August 28, 2009, outside it was dreary but I was excited.  Exactly five months and two days have gone by since I moved in, and in place of the empty spaces and blank walls, I have added touches of my own style and comforts of home, as well as notes to myself to stay motivated, pictures of loved ones and enough seating for a small army.

There are days when the solitude that comes with the territory of being an RA is lovely.  I don’t have to consult anyone if I want to rearrange my room, I know everything in the fridge is mine, I can use it as an escape if I am having a bad day, or I can hang out with friends at my own discretion.  Other days however, it is overwhelmingly sad.  There are some days, when literally no one is around, and those days are the hardest.  It seems as if the days I need human interaction the most, are the days I get it the least.  Being an RA is especially tough when the majority of your friends are not.  They can go out at their leisure and not worry about  losing their job if they are in the wrong place at the wrong time.  But I don’t mean to complain, as I love my job.

One of the great things about being an RA is creating and maintaining good relationships with your residents.  You don’t have to be best friends (in fact it is somewhat frowned upon) but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t randomly pop in to talk to them.  This year I have gotten to meet some of the funniest, sweetest kids who are in the same position I was last year, in the very same building.

I’m sitting alone in my single room, in my sophomore year of college.  My walls are covered in memories, the black curtain that hangs in front of my closet is open revealing the things I put away myself, and the only sounds I hear are the tap tap tapping of my fingers on my keyboard.  It is the second to last day in January and I’m daydreaming ahead to the middle of May when I am expected to pack up my belongings and head home for the summer.  I can’t imagine that day, but like a train headed for the station, it’s quickly approaching and nothing I can do will slow it down.

As always, my name is RJ, and I think it would be worth your while to stop by this blog:

Ssips Lemon Iced Tea

Ssips Lemon Iced Tea


Filed under Just a thought, Just because, Just for fun

“Yes, I was there, I have the videos to prove it…”

Which is better?  Watching something on TV/online or watching something live in the audience?  In my opinion, nothing beats being in a sea of people who are all focused on the same thing.  Be it a hockey game, a concert, a play, or the taping of a television show, you don’t get the same feeling when you watch from home instead of being able to experience them in person.  I’m mainly discussing concerts in this one.

I am more than guilty of recording and taking pictures during concerts.  The security staff gives concert-goers an inch and of course we all take a mile.  They allow us to bring our cameras and our camera phones as long as we leave the professional stuff at home.  But they all know what we do: we sit through the whole concert, taking picture after picture, and video after video hoping to get the best parts and coolest shots so we can post them up on every forum we can find, as if to say one of the following things:

1. “Look at how amazing my seat was!”

2. “Look at how crappy my seat was, but look at how amazing the zoom on my camera is!”

I’ve been thinking about it and I wonder why on earth would I waste my time doing this?  And let me tell you, I have been to my fair share of shows and more often than not I would leave with sore arms from holding my camera up the entire time.  I realize now that my goal was to preserve memories of what I was watching, and that makes perfect sense, however I have come to find that the memories I was saving were often those of me watching a show on my digital camera’s LCD screen.  Of course I did my fair share of staring directly at the stage and the performers doing their thing, but to come home with thirty videos and over one hundred pictures, makes me question the amount of time I actually watched the live show that was going on in front of my eyes.

My next question is: for whom are you recording the videos and taking the pictures on which you spent the entire show focusing?  Are they for you?  So that you can watch the show when you get home, in the comfort of your living room?  Or are they for your friends who weren’t fortunate enough to get tickets in time?  Either way, I have come to find that it’s really not worth it.  Not only do you miss out on the big picture when you’re focusing on capturing one little thing, but you also end up with people’s heads and random arms in your shot, or the faceless shrieking fans in your video who are attempting to sing along as well as be heard by everyone in the arena.  My advice?  Take a few pictures and/or videos sporadically throughout the show, that way you have a few highlights to bring home with you, but most importantly make sure you focus on the show that’s being performed for you.  You can’t get that back.  No two performances are ever the same no matter how consistent an artist or band is.

As always, I’m RJ and I’m going to go listen to some Lady GaGa and be envious of everyone who has tickets to her current and upcoming shows…hey, maybe someone will have pictures!

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Filed under Just because, Just for fun, music